Home Proof reading services for law firms

Proof reading services for law firms

Proof reading law articles requires specialist skills combining writing ability and familiarity with legal terms and expressions.

Media Coverage has been providing writing and proofreading services to law firms for more than 12 years.

Law article proof reading

Lawyers clearly know their subject but writing with expertise on legal matters is not the same as writing in a way that will make people want to read. There’s a huge difference between writing for other lawyers and writing for the general public.

We can help you bridge that gap.

We’ll be happy to look at your self-written articles and suggest how they could be made more reader friendly.

It could be that all you need is a straightforward proof-reading service where we check grammar, spelling, typos and the myriad of little errors that can creep into even the best written script.

At the other end of the scale, we are often called upon to rewrite a lawyer’s article, turning it from a complex essay into an accessible article for the lay reader without any loss of accuracy.

Whatever your specific requirements, we’ll be happy to help.